Sede Principale operativa
Palazzo Zaguri - Venezia
Palazzo Santa Chiara si trova in una delle zone più belle del centro di Roma, Piazza di Santa Chiara, tra Largo di Torre Argentina e il Pantheon. Ha una lunga storia di prestigiosi spettacoli teatrali e musicali. Dopo una radicale ristrutturazione realizzata nel 2008 oggi rappresenta una delle più belle e prestigiose strutture teatrali per eventi della Città Eterna.
Venice Headquarters
Zaguri pALACE
Zaguri Palace has been the residence of the most prestigious Venetian families for centuries. Among the descendants of the Zaguri family who lived in this palace there was Pietro I Antonio (1733-1806), poet, orator and patron of art. He had as his butler Lorenzo da Ponte (1749-1838) and he was friend and protector of Giacomo Casanova.
Branch Office - Rome
Santa Chiara Palace
Santa Chiara Palace is the branch office of our Academy and it is located in one of the most beautiful corners in the heart of Rome, between the Pantheon and Largo di Torre Argentina. Santa Chiara Palace has a long history of prestigious theaters and music performances.
The Palace today it represents one of the most beautiful and prestigious theater for events of the Eternal City.
Main Office FVG
The Castle of Spessa
Capriva del Friuli - Gorizia
The Castle of Spessa is an aristocratic and historical residence located in Capriva del Friuli, near Gorizia. Over the centuries the Castle has always hosted famous people, including Giacomo Casanova in 1773. Since 2003 it has hosted the Casanova Award Castle of Spessa.The Castle is the main office of the Giacomo Casanova Foundation in Friuli Venezia Giulia.
Main Office
Albrizzi Palace- Venice
The purpose of the Academy is to develop and enrich the knowledge of Giacomo Casanova’s life and work by organizing cultural, artistic and musical events on a regular basis.
Albrizzi Palace is the main office of the Giacomo Casanova Academy in Venice.The “Music Chamber” of Albrizzi Palace is a real jewel, the perfect place where to meet.